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Don't let FEAR compromise YOUR VALUES

Are you allowing FEAR of losing this, that to compromise your integrity, your core values, your sense of self even your health?

Pressure to live this way. that way, bend this way, that way is often a big part of modern day living. If we don't do this or that, we believe we will lose out on this or that. But how much do we lose our purpose, our gifts, our strength, our centre when we allow situations or others to compromise our values, perhaps what maybe even part of our true purpose and soul's journey.

FEAR can so easily feel as if it is forcing us into a corner we don't belong, it can misguide us into making unhealthy situations as we STRESS ourselves out about what if.... It can sometimes even seem like the easiest thing to do in the situation but the after affects can seriously affect of our sense of self, our centre, our core, our self esteem and confidence. It can leave us feeling confused, guilty, jaded and dis-orientated. It can cause more STRESS and more dis-ease and dis-harmony living with a compromise, our something that doesn't fit ethically with what we stand for.

I used to believe our VALUES would completely stay the same, and realise that increased awareness, new insights and experience that this isn't always the case. But I also realise that specific VALUES are part of how we show up in the world and is our own inner GPS of what is right and wrong for us, our insight, our intuition, our direction.

As a spiritual life coach and healer I am honoured to be able to support and empower others but this indoubtedly has to come from a place of high values, integrity and honestly. But sometimes it comes with it's challenges. Recently I was asked to do provide some contract work through my Stress Coach Training school , now financially it could have been a great business offer but ethically, professionally something about it didn't sit well. I never ever just take a job on what I will earn or will do for the business, spiritually and ethically it has to be about being the best option for that contractor, client or service user, even if the contractor doesn't have the same insight.

This contractor had been stung already and wanted an organisation she knew well that was transparent and would deliver a professional and ethical service but despite me making some alterations to the contract, I felt compromised, something still didn't sit well. So despite taking what was viewed by others as taking a huge risk of losing a big contract at a time when I have had to seriously change and lose 95% of my work due to health limitations at present, I tried not to get caught up in the FEAR of losing my contract and if Im being honest FEAR of losing my business. If im being honest I felt I was being pressuried at losing my sense of self, my values.

Initially I felt pulled in this and that direction, as on paper it looked fine, but I was seriously losing my own inner knowing, my centre, I am extremely sensitive and it just didn't feel and sit right. So I stepped back, didn't make the decision right away that I was being pressured to make and "allowed life to unfold "as one of my good friend's regularly say's. Well guess what a few better solutions then appeared and are still appearing.

If I am being honest the STRESS coach had been feeling more than slightly STRESSED lol, I was allowing others needs, opinions to scatter my sense of self. I had been already feeling a little fragile due to being unable to go out my home on my own due to constant seizures triggered by extreme noise and light sensitivity. But luckily it reminded me of various situations where I have risked losing my business but not my repuation, my professionalism or my ethics. I listended to my inner guidance, and kept my inner power intact and that is why my repuation and business has lasted 16 years.

When we LOSE our INTEGRITY to something or someone else we lose our power, our value, our sense of self . Living other's values, beliefs is stressful.... So don't let FEAR of the future, compromise YOUR values, YOUR uniqueness, YOUR purpose and sense of self.

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