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Life can deliver us a BATTLE of CHALLENGES, I know...

So no matter if its chronic ill health, loss, unemployment, bankruptcy, challenging relationships, demanding teenagers…I can help teach you POWERFUL ways to BUILD YOUR RESILIENCE, to help you have the COURAGE & STRENGTH to remain strong with the CHALLENGES life delivers.


1. BE IN THE MOMENT, one of the most powerful skills you can learn is to be in the present, not the tomorrows, the yesterdays, worrying about what has happened or hasn’t happened yet DEPLETES you of your ENERGY & POWER, your INNER GUIDANCE. When we are in the MOMENT we are in a stronger place of ACCEPTANCE with that moment, we are not resisting or battling with what is happening.

2. EAT HEALTHILY, adequate nutrition, helps us sustain extra demands on our mind, body, emotions & spirit. No matter how busy or hectic things are grab a HEALTHY SNACK. Carry a banana or a raw healthy bar with a bottle of water with you every day for emergencies. Dehydration adds pressure to the bodies equilibrium so adequate hydration is vital for optimum health. You will be able to cope with the demands of the day with so much more TENACITY.

3. LEARN TO SWITCH OFF…Relaxation & dis-engaging from constant DEMANDS is vital, to encourage the body OFF the STRESS RESPONSE. So learn MEDITATION &/or RELAXATION TECHNIQUES. You will feel CALM & IN CONTROL.

4. GET ADEQUATE SLEEP, focus on getting enough QUALITY SLEEP as possible, sleep repairs our body, again building up our DAILY RESILIENCE, helping us feel CALM & CLEAR headed to make STRONGER & POSITIVE solutions. Ge our FREE SLEEP THERAPY ADVICE in our free member section.

5. DELEGATE, learn the art of delegation & ask for EXTRA SUPPORT whether its family, friends, support services, no man is an island, we all need some extra CARE & COMPASSION. Delegate what is VITAL & what is not. FOCUS only on your TOP PRIORITIES. Its a waste of energy, SWEATING the SMALL STUFF.

Eileen provides 1-2-1 Online Stress Coaching, Stress Management Training & Meditation Sessions to help you overcome and let go of every day stress and anxiety, in a safe, supportive compassionate space.

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