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The Secret to Empowerment whilst Living with Chronic Illness or Pain

Living with a long-term chronic illness or chronic pain can be seriously dis-empowering, debilitating, soul destroying and heart breaking.

I know I have lived with chronic health challenges for the last 25 years,

Many people living with chronic illness and pain are struggling under the radar, left to their own devices many with no or little support, never mind medical treatment. Every day living is a constant struggle, the simplest day to day tasks or chore you once took for granted, can seem like a long way off unacheivable day dream despite the fact you maybe doing everything you can to be healthy.

Having been both client and healer I know the difficulties, especially if you are trying to do all the right things eat healthy, reduce this, this, do that...

But you know what the biggest mistake most of us make is the constant doing and fixing, the fighting, the mental, physical and emotional resistance, the denial, to what our body is trying to tell us... this is where the stress, struggling and suffering lies. This is what keeps us in a state of dis-ease, disabled and disempowered.

When the true Secret to Empowerment lies in our true natural state of being, iin the accepting not the denying, the releasing not the resisting, the loving not the judging, the being not the doing...

When we truly let go, stop trying to fix, but accept and rest when we need to and more importantly truly be with whatever appears at any given time we naturally heal and come into balance. We naturally come from a place of calm not chaos, freedom not fear, strength not struggling...

Are you struggling with a longterm chronic illness or pain that you are trying hard to fight and overcome?

Would you be interested in finding out more about a new online therapy program designed just for you ?

I will also be offering a 4 week online therapy program just for you, designed to help you experience more calm less chaos, more power than pain, more strength than stress...

I am also offering a free short online pre-group session for the first ten people who email me at ends 10th Aug 2015. Quote: Living with Chronic Illness in the Subject Line. You might also like to subscribe to my newsletter to get my latest advice and tips..

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