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TOP Tips for Pre-Christmas Stress, Dread & Anxiety

Many people find the Pre- Christmas period challenging many find it extremely stressful or fully of anxiety or dread.

Here is a few tips that can help you make the pre- Christmas less stressful more peaceful.

1.Be ORGANISED, if you have shopping or other tasks to do be organised, plan ahead, make a list and break down tasks, shopping, errands into small manageable tasks. SMART goals are Specific Goals, Measurable, Achieveable, Realistic and have a specific Time frame.

2. PRIORITISE what is a NEED or WANT, prioritise what is REALLY important, what will reall make christmas day special, we often spend a lot of time and worry on unnecessary tasks or extra's.

3.Take ONE TASK , one day, one moment at a time, don't start worrying about tomorrow, next week, focus on one task at a time, most anxiety, worry or stress comes from being in the future or past not in the present.

4. DELEGATE, ask for help, give everyone in the family or any christmas dinner guests a task or dish to bring with them. Make it a joint effort, it is so much more fun and less exhausting. It is even better if you can give reluctant family members like teenagers task to do they may actually enjoy. Get the techies to do some online shopping, the creative members of the family to do the placemats or even wrapping, the baker; to bring their favourite cake. Christmas is a great time for a bit of bribery if necessary.

5.Take TIME OUT, make sure you take time out, plenty of rest and sleep, every day, so you don't get run down or burnt out before christmas day. Why do you think so many people get colds and flu at this time of year? Learn to RELAX and or MEDITATE, try our less than 5 Minutes of Meditation.

6. Make sure you EAT WELL between christmas night outs, office chocolates...stay hydrated with plenty of water not WINE ;-) Dehydration puts extra STRESS on the body.

7. Need some extra support Bach Flower Essences are a great aid, Walnut can help protect you from others negative, domineering or draining energy. Rescue Remedy is a great all rounder for general Anxiety, Stress, Work, Shock, exams...Centaury if you find it difficult to sa NO or stand up for ourself. Honeysuckle is if you feel yourself longing for the past, and have lost man family and friends...Gorse if you feel extreme despair...Oak is great when you feel physical exhausted but tend to keep going no matter what...Pine is if you are a bit of a perfectionist...

8. REMEMBER it is only 1 Day out of 365 days of the year, it is not worth making yourself ill, upset or in debt for. If you have no one to celebrate christmas accept it as simply another day. Remember to VALUE you, care for you. We get so caught up at this time of year trying to fulfill everyone else's WANTS we often forget to make sure we have took care of our own GREATEST NEEDS!!

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