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Those LITTLE words that can INCREASE STRESS

There is so many words & phrases we use daily, that can seriously add or contribute to our STRESS Levels.


What words or phrases do you use, that contribute daily to your stress levels ?

What about YES, NO problem?

I have to put my hands up here, as someone who is gnerally easy going and a bit of a people pleaser...I still catch, myself saying these words..more than occasionally.

So if you are one of those people that says YES, no problem ... a lot ?

Are you truly aware of how much these 3 little words could be causing you to OVER COMMIT, over stretch yourself, lose out in valuable family & ME TIME.

YES usually means you are making an agreement, making a COMMITMENT to someone, something... the words, NO PROBLEM goes a bit deeper, it can scream out, yes I'll do it all, I am here for whatever, whenever, that you are there for everyone else, on their terms, not your own...and can suggest serious undertones of low self worth, self esteem and self value other than the obvious ASSERTIVENESS difficulties.

So seriously, how many YES, no problem's are over stretching you, leaving you OVER-COMMITED, OVERWHELMED.

So whether it is your boss, a friend, or family, member... why not say the words...LET ME THINK ABOUT... or LEAVE IT WITH ME...

Know let's look at words you say to yourself ?

The "I have to..." "I need to..." "I must ..."

How many decisions to you make in a day because of these small little words..

Think of a few things in your life you believe you think you HAVE TO, NEED TO or MUST DO ? And ask yourself why do you HAVE TO....why do you NEED TO...why MUST...? who say's..? look a bit deeper!

Most of our beliefs come from our conditioning, society, family...but not all of them are good for our health & wellbeing,many of them are outworn and seriously dis-e,powering.. I have seen so many clients through the years, particularly BUSY over commited MUMS & WORKAHOLICS who are so close to BURN OUT, they are OVERWHELMED, EXHAUSTED emotionally, mentally and physically because of old distorted beliefs that haven't been challenged, that are the biggest cause of their SELF DESTRUCTION, I was there.

We may want to be SUPERHUMAN, but were not, were wonderful because of our VULNERABILITIES, our WEAKNESSES and our STRENGHTHS. And who says we NEED to, we MUST to.., we NEED to...none of us need to do or be anything else to be of VALUE. You are IMPORTANT, you are WORTHY, you are UNIQUE for simply existing, not for what you think you have to, must to or need to do..

If you would like to support & learn skills that can help reduce, eliminate & let go of the anxiety, stress of every day life. I am here to support you.

I offer 121 Coaching Sessions, Programmes & Workshops, online, telephone & locally here in Lanarkshire, Scotland.


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