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Smell the Roses before they DIE!

Do you smell the roses? Be in the MOMENT... ENJOY the moment..

ENJOY and appreciate the here the now...


Most of us forget, we get so caught up in the tomorrows, the doing, the wants, the what if's, the maybe's... we lose touch with the REALITY of what is here RIGHT NOW!

And sometimes the more we have, the less appreciative we become, because, we want more, we think the next thing will give us what we need...

I remember in my early twenties a period when I was seriously chronically ill, doing anything was very difficult .I was sleeping over 18 hours a day. Just getting to the bathroom was extremely exhausting. It was a very challenging time in my life, but in some way, the most appreciative, time of my life. I became soo grateful for the small things...and what kept me sane was the use of positive affirmations, positive gratitude for the things I could do. I could see, I could feel, I had a warm home, I had a family who loved me... At times I had an inner peace that was quite remarkable, oh there were times when the fear of never having a life almost crippled me emotionally and I probably denied a lot of feelings that is not very healthy. But I had an appreciation for things that most people took for granted, because many things were taken away.

At this period in my life, I swore I would always appreciate what I had, and appreciate so gratefully any of my life I got back. But you know what, I forget at times..I forget how lucky I am to have got quite a bit of my health back. I forget to smell the roses. I forget to be grateful for all the people in my life. Be grateful for everything in this moment.

What are you GRATEFUL for RIGHT NOW? Are you SMELLING the ROSES?

We all need a gentle reminder, to smell the roses, because nothing lasts, everything has a season...and the more we hold on to things in life..or fear losing things we are wasting, precious time, not being in the MOMENT. Not being in the here and now.

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